Il trittico dell’ingegno italiano: Dante 1321-2021 | Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei DOWNLOAD EXHIBITIONS BROCHURE Listen to exhibition presentation GR1-25 March 2022 (in Italian) Your browser does not support the audio element. Watch the video presentation of the docufilm “Le vie di Dante” (in Italian) INTERVIEWS President Antonelli talks about the exhibition prof. Serianni prof.ssa Meneghetti prof. Monciatti Dr Antetomaso prof. Mainini VIDEO Con gli occhi di Dante TGR RAI THE CENTENARY TRIPTYCHLEONARDO 1919 – RAFFAELLO 1920 – DANTE 1921 DOWNLOAD EXHIBITION BROCHURE Watch the exhibition video INTERVIEWS President Prof. Antonelli dott. Guicciardo Sassoli De Bianchi Strozzi